goal test
path cost
numercial cost与路径紧密相关
soving search problem
node是ai中的一个重要概念,它表示一个状态,它有父节点(node that generated this node),an action(action applied to this state),一个path cost。
appraoch of ai
- start with a frotier that contains that initial node
- repeat:
- if the frontier is empty, then fail
- remove a node from the frontier
- if the node contains a goal state, then succeed
- expand node,add resulting nodes to the frontier
- 但是这个general appraoch可能出现错误,如果图中节点的连接方式存在双指针,则有可能陷入循环。
revised approach
- start with a frontier that contains the initial node
- start with an empty explored set
- repeat:
- if the frontier is empty, then fail
- remove a node from the frontier
- if the node contains a goal state, then succeed
- add node to the explored set
- expand node,add resulting nodes to the frontier,but only if not in the frontier or the explored set
栈与depth-first search
- 在具体的算法实现中,我们可以利用栈这个数据结构来实现frontier的作用。
- 这样我们的搜索方式便是深度优先搜索(找到一个路径直到尽头)。
队列与breadth-first search
- 在具体的算法实现中,若利用队列这个数据结构来实现frontier的作用,则我们的搜索方式便是广度优先搜索(多个路径共同进行)。
greedy best-first search
与传统的dfs和bfs不同,expands the node that is closest to the goal state.通过启发式算法实现
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